Thursday, 23 October 2008
Week 5
Since last week the design for October has progressed slightly. Additions to the design include the storks which are created from cylinders that have been modeled using the soft selection tools. I have also added the floor and walls to create a base for the pumpkins. These are made up of boxes with custom textures.
Week 4
Since last week i have converted the shape into an editable poly and deleted sections to create the mouth and eye holes. After these were removed i used a shell modifier to create the flesh and a smooth modifier to give a rounded finish.
Week 3
After a couple of failed attempts and some playing around with the soft selection i managed to create the basic shape.
I started out by creating a normal sphere from the shape panel. Once i had the sphere i converted it into a editable mesh. Using the edge selector and soft selection i selected some of the vertical lines in the top view. When the lines were highlighted i was able to move sections of the sphere back to give the bumpy appearance of a pumpkin.
The shape may not look like much but i am pretty happy with the way its going so far. Hopefully by next weeks tutorial it will have progressed and i will have a decent looking pumpkin.
Week 2
The above image shows my final attempt at making the fruit bowl. I'm pretty pleased with the outcome after ditching the dodgy checkered board. I think the whole table and cloth idea works alot better.
How it was made:
Table: The table is simply made up of three cylinder shapes that have been re-sized to make the three components of a simple table. Once i had the shape i applied the wood material which already exists on the program.
Floor: The floor is simply a box shape with an applied material. I found a picture of some stone flooring and then transferred it into paint. From there i saved the image as a bitmap. When applying the material i simply selected bitmap from the list of materials and added the image.
Table cloth: The table cloth was created from a simple rectangle. It gained its shape though the use of modifiers. The whole process is simple but it gives a great result.
The two modifiers used to create the shape are garment maker and cloth. When selecting garment maker you can alter the density. The higher the density the more creases there will be in the fabric. Thus making the whole thing more realistic. Once the density is set you can then add the cloth modifier. By clicking on object properties you can add the object that the cloth will be draped over, or the collision object as its called in the menu. In my case it was the top cylinder on the table. Click OK then the screen will close. All that is left to do is press the simulate button and watch the cloth form over the table.Mood Boards
Sunday, 28 September 2008
1st Post
As for the fruit bowl, that is a work in progress. At the moment the most I've managed to come up with is a few spherical shapes that resemble some apples and grapes. I'm sure it will improve in time with a fair amount of practice. Pictures coming soon .............
Work in progress:
The addition of grapes:
Favourite Month
My favourite month is May. This is when i get a chance to relax after a hectic few weeks of getting all my work handed in. It is nice to be able to chill out knowing that everything is completed and that you have the holidays to look forward to.
Research into 3 different months
These spider diagrams show events that happen in these three months as well as anything else related to that month.