Sunday 28 September 2008

1st Post

I didn't really know what to expect from 3D modelling before the first lecture. I now think that this will be a module that i will find interesting although it will be a challenge. I have no past experience of using 3D Studio Max but I'm sure i will have some fun learning how to use the program.

As for the fruit bowl, that is a work in progress. At the moment the most I've managed to come up with is a few spherical shapes that resemble some apples and grapes. I'm sure it will improve in time with a fair amount of practice. Pictures coming soon .............

Work in progress:

The addition of grapes:

Favourite Month
My favourite month is May. This is when i get a chance to relax after a hectic few weeks of getting all my work handed in. It is nice to be able to chill out knowing that everything is completed and that you have the holidays to look forward to.

Research into 3 different months
These spider diagrams show events that happen in these three months as well as anything else related to that month.